
Daily Bible Verse
Gen 24:40 But my master said to me, 'I serve the LORD, and he will send his angel with you and help you. You will find a wife for my son among my people there

Remembering History

When Abraham was old and close to death, he told his assistant to travel back to his hometown to find his son, Isaac, a wife. The assistant asked him how he would know if it was the right girl, and Abraham was saying, don’t worry because I have a history with God. I've seen His faithfulness over and over down through the years. I am confident it will happen.
I have walked with God and seen His goodness. Instead of wondering if something's going to work out, worrying about your health, or stressing out over your finances, remember your history with God.

 Look back at what He's done. As Abraham did, you'll see times when God brought a promise to pass that looked impossible, He provided when you didn't see a way, He showed you mercy and turned a situation around. Whatever you face, keep walking in faithfulness and be confident that He will do it again and make your journey a success.

Daily Prayer
“Father, thank You that Your hand has been upon my life in so many ways. Thank You for the countless things You have made happen for my good that I could never make happen. I believe You are protecting me and will make my journey a success. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Cory Bursey

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