
Daily Bible Verse
Pro 17:14
The start of an argument is like a small leak in a dam. Stop it before a big fight breaks out


One of the biggest challenges we all face is getting along with other people. We have different personalities, different temperaments, and come from different backgrounds. When somebody doesn't agree with us, or they're doing what we don't like, it's easy to quarrel with them, try to straighten them out, and prove our point. Before long we're at odds, mad at each other, and offended. You can feel the tension and stress. What's happened? We've allowed strife in. When we let our guard down and say things that are disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning, we damage our relationship and open the door to strife. That's why the Scripture says, Give no place to the enemy.

Strife can't just come in whenever it wants; you have to open the door. To never have an argument or say a wrong word is not reality, but when we allow strife to become common, we're constantly arguing, saying hurtful things, being disrespectful, we're headed down the wrong path. Stop strife before it bursts and tears relationships apart

Daily Prayer

Father, thank You for the promise of blessedness when I take the high road and am a peacemaker in relationships. Give me wisdom to know when to keep my mouth closed and overlook something that bothers me. I recognize the destructive power of strife and give no place for it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Cory Bursey

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