If you have a desire to grow spiritually, try incorporating devotions into your daily life. Devotions are a great place to find inspiration in your spiritual journey. Different readings cause you to reflect on the Word of God and encounter thoughtful teaching on important spiritual topics. Devotions also encourage you to spend time in prayer. While each individual day may not seem particularly impactful, when you take time with God each day, the cumulative effect will cause you to grow and mature. The more we connect with God, the more we will understand what he is saying about himself, his kingdom, and his people. It takes time to get into the habit of doing daily devotions. At first, the payoff may not seem obvious, but once devotions become a part of your daily life, you will begin to feel their amazing benefits.
December 21st, 2021
The IntersectionNow hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.Romans 5:5 John Koessler wrote, “You can expect to meet Jesus in the most unlikely place—at the intersection of Expectation and Disappointment. The Jesus you meet there is not the Jesus of your dreams. Nor is He the airbrushed Christ of popular Christianity...
December 21st, 2021
The 24-Year QuestFor you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”Romans 8:15 Guo Gangtang spent 24 years looking for his son, who had been snatched at the age of two by human traffickers in China. Guo thought of nothing else as he traveled by motorbike throughout thirty provinces of his country, showing picture...
God's Love
December 21st, 2021
God’s LoveHe who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?Romans 8:32 A father was approached by a young man who wanted to marry his daughter. After a lengthy conversation, the father gave the young man the permission he sought: “Yes, you may marry my daughter.” Before leaving, the young man also asked, “Could I have a gla...
Hidden Thoughts
December 21st, 2021
No Hidden ThoughtsImmediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things?”Mark 2:8, NIV The U.S. Army is testing a new type of night-vision goggles that give soldiers the ability to see in absolute darkness, even the ability to see through walls using cutting edge camera technology. But with all our techno...

Archived Devotionals
March 1-7th "God Is Good" (Linda D)March 1-7th "Pride" (Mel B)March 1-7th "Messing Up"March 8-14th "Jehovah Shalom" (Linda D)March 8-14th Jehovah Shammah (Linda D)March 8-14th The Lord My Shepherd (Linda D)March 8-14th Waiting By TrustingMarch 8-14th Soaring Through LifeDon't Fear DeathListen To A Senior (Linda D)Life Giving Blood ( Linda D)DeathGood Saturday (Linda D)By His BloodWhen God was DeterminedThe Only Right Fear