
Safer Than Cheyenne

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:3
What’s the most secure place in the world? You might think the White House or the Kremlin, but many security experts would point to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado. It’s an emergency military center buried two thousand feet below ground and serves as the alternate command center for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Beneath the ground are elaborate tunnels and fifteen buildings mounted to shock absorbing springs, capable of withstanding a thirty-megaton nuclear blast.

But even inside Cheyenne Mountain, a woman might have a heart attack; a man might have a stroke; a military general might unknowingly be suffering a fatal but undetected illness. Even inside Cheyenne Mountain, an airman might suffer depression or an engineer might face heartbreak.

True security is only found in our relationship with Christ. Psalm 27:5 says, “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion.” Our lives are hidden with Christ in God, and when Christ who is our life appears, then we will also appear with Him in glory. In Him, we are safe and secure from all harm.

Our only strength, our only security is in Christ; our only hiding place the Rock of Ages.
Frederick Whitfield

Cory Bursey

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