Life Giving Blood ( Linda D)

Life giving blood
53  So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man
and drink his blood, you have no life in you. John 6:53 ESV

If you’ve ever had low blood counts you know the feeling. Tired, out of breath, can’t do anything
without taking a breath – the whole time your heart is racing. It’s not good.
I had a 75 hemoglobin score and felt all the symptoms above and was diving into depression. I went to emergency in the middle of COVID-19, it was incredibly calming. I think the presence of hope for recovery , a smooth system, an almost empty, pexiglass filled waiting and calm friendly staff really helped. A few hours later I made it inside through the chaos of thick white sheeted rooms, noisy busy halls to a much quieter area where a nice man said Hi I’m Dan, I’ll be your doctor. After a few more tests he gave me what I really needed, a pint of red blood cells. I felt better just watching the blood drip into me. Immediately I felt better – I could walk up to my unit without my heart racing and stopping for a few breaths. Blood really is life, if you don’t have enough of it, it’s almost impossible
to enjoy your day.

As Easter approaches we think of Jesus death and resurrection, He sweat His life-giving blood for us when He died on the cross that day. We need to thank Jesus every day for the gift of life blood we receive constantly.

Dear Jesus, Thank you, thank you for dying on the cross, for being my sacrificial lamb. For giving me life through your blood. Help me to not waste that life but to use it for you glory. Amen

Cory Bursey

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